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You currently have an i publish 1.0 full product installed and you are attempting to install an i publish 2.0 Test Drive. If you do not wish to overwrite your currently installed version, then select No to upgrading to 2.0.A PSB-PTNY-20N3( DIA-PTNY-20N3( PSB-PTNY-20N3( DIA-PTNY-20N3( PSA-PTNY-20N3( WARNING! You currently have an i publish b% full product installed and you are attempting to install an i publish 2.0 Test Drive. If you do not wish to overwrite your currently installed version, then select No to reinstalling 2.0.* Setup has detected i publish version b% currently installed. Would you like to upgrade it to 2.0?, Setup has detected i publish version b% currently installed. Would you like to reinstall 2.0? IsUninst.exe% Uninst.isu$ PLEASE_WAITR -a -y -fb InternetExplorer.Applicationa \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet ExplorerR Build2 1300( \ipublish.Document\shell\open\ddeexec! \ipublish.Document\shell\open\ddeexec \.DID ipublish.Document \.DIO \ipublish.component \ipublish.Document\shell\open\command% \Program\IPUBLISH.EXE %1 \ipublish.Document\DefaultIcon% \Program\IPUBLISH.EXE,0 \CLSID\{81C403B1-5F6C-11d0-B686-006097242E69} i Publish Application \AppID\{81C403B1-5F6C-11d0-B686-006097242E69} i Publish 2.0 \CLSID\{F1447A10-6285-11d0-B687-006097242E69} i publish Document \CLSID\{F1447A10-6285-11d0-B687-006097242E69}\ProgID ipublish.Document \ipublish.Document i publish Document \ipublish.Document\CLSID {F1447A10-6285-11d0-B687-006097242E69} \SOFTWARE\Design Intelligence\i publish 2.0\Versiona Version Number/! \SOFTWARE\Design Intelligence\i publish 2.0\Versiona Version NumberA \Software\Design Intelligencea \Software\Design Intelligence\i publish\User Infoa NameP \Software\Design Intelligence\i publish\User Infoa Company NameP \Software\Design Intelligence\i publish\Generala Serial Number/ \Software\Design Intelligence\i publish\User Infoa NameA \Software\Design Intelligence\i publish\User Infoa Company NameA \Software\Design Intelligence\i publish\Generala Serial NumberA \Program\ipublish.exe$ i publish 2.0b \Program\RelNotes.doc$ i publish 2.0 Release Notesb \Program\Splitter.exe$ Split Files Across Multiple Disksb \Program\UnSplitter.exe$ Combine Split Filesb \Program\Register i publish 2.0 Now!.URL$ Register i publish 2.0 Now!b Program\diexec cdrom:\ShowMe\showme.exeZ Show Me i publish!b COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER COMPANY_NAME16R PRODUCT_NAME16R PRODUCT_NAMER TITLE_CAPTIONBARR ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR WIZDOC.bmp, WIZDOC16.bmp SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ipublish.exeR Path2 Program\ipublish.exe The currently installed version of i publish is newer than this one. Do you wish to continue?A license.txt \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersionR RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersionR RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 PSB-PTNY-20N3( DIA-PTNY-20N3( Support.dll PSB-PTNY-20N3( DIA-PTNY-20N3( Support.dll The Serial Number b is invalid.* Failed to verify Password.A PSB-PTNY-20N3 COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER The destination folder that you have chosen already contains a version of i publish. Would you like to replace the currently installed version?A Support.dll RelNotes.doc Insufficent Disk Space. Please make additional space available.A FOLDER_NAMER Installation was successful! Just a reminder: You can register online from the i publish menu under Start. Now sit back a moment, and watch what i publish can do for you!; ShowMe% showme.exe WinNT IE302MNT.exe, Win95 IE302M95.exe Support.dll IExplore% \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce% setup.exe -fPoliteIE.insQ PoliteIEA Support.dll \Program IExplore% Congratulations on making the smart publishing choice! If you want, you can launch it now. Don't forget to visit for over 1 million images and tons of publishing help and ideas. You'll find that your documents will look like you slaved over them, but we promise not to tell. Launch i publish \Program\ipublish.exe3 edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! 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